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IHC 2023 | The value of diversity in medical research and patient care

Irene de Boer, MD, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, underscores the integral role of diversity in both medical research and patient care. Dr de Boer pinpoints that while research is still burgeoning in this area, preliminary insights reveal the myriad benefits of fostering a diverse environment. From patient care to research, diverse teams consistently produce better results. Such teams, enriched by varied perspectives, frame more encompassing questions and interpret answers more holistically. The essence of the discussion revolves around the idea that diverse medical teams lead to improved care outcomes for patients and richer, more comprehensive research findings. A diverse approach isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential for advancement in the medical field. This interview took place at the International Headache Congress (IHC) 2023 in Seoul, Korea.

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