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ESOC 2024 | Stroke Service Tracker data shows major successes and challenges in European stroke care

The Stroke Service Tracker was launched as part of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E), collecting data on stroke incidence, mortality, stroke care pathways, and other key performance indicators. It aims to monitor the progress of quality of care and outcomes, and allow for comparisons among participating countries. In this video, Hanne Christensen, MD, PhD, MSci, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, discusses the 2022 data which has just been published. While stroke incidence in Europe remained constant 2018-2022, improvements were seen in access to stroke unit care and in having a national stroke plan and a plan for primary prevention. The data also highlighted significant inequity between countries regarding access to thrombolysis and thrombectomy. Prof. Christensen highlights rehabilitation and post-stroke follow-up as one of the areas of greatest need, with very few countries providing adequate care. This interview took place at the 10th European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) 2024 in Basel, Switzerland.

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